This Domestic Workers’ Trade Union was established under the ILO project, Promoting Gender Equality for Decent Employment (GE4DE), funded by the Canadian government. The project, which aims to improve women’s skills and employment by working with government, employers, workers and media, identified domestic work as a sector where many women were employed in the most vulnerable, unprotected conditions, completely outside the purview of labour laws. Millions of workers including women, girls and boys are engaged in domestic work in Pakistan and are contributing to the informal economy significantly.


About Us

We help

Pakistan Workers Federation (PWF) has formed the Domestic Workers’ Trade Union, the very first union of its kind in Pakistan. The ‘Domestic Workers’ Union’ has been registered with the Office of the Registrar Trade Unions, Lahore under the provisions of the Punjab Industrial Relations, 2010. The Union currently has 235 members out of which 225 are female domestic workers..

Our history

First Domestic Workers’ Trade Union registered in Pakistan Enhancing rights at work. The first ever trade union for domestic workers in Pakistan has been registered in Lahore by the Department of Labour Punjab, under the Industrial Relations Act 2010. This marks an important step in recognising and expanding legal coverage to vulnerable workers in the informal economy.
